Fish Poker

It's my turn, so I choose five-card-flounder. I like flounders because
they're flat: easy to shuffle, easy to deal. (Try shuffling in a game of
octopus!) Also, I like simple, straightforward fish poker. Some of the
games like yellow-tail-jack-tails-up-scales-down are just games with a lot
of rules. Give me a straight five-founder-flush any day! There are six
cards in flounder poker: both eyes open, both eyes closed, left eye open,
right eye open, one eye, no eyes. And three suits: blue belly, white belly,
and pink belly, in that order of importance. The rules are simple: deal five
cards, eyes down. With each hand you can discard and draw two new
flounders. It's a lot of fun. We get together the third tide after a full
moon. The only downside as anyone would guess is playing with the sharks.
The cards keep disappearing.

Tony Luebbermann